Council Staff Members
Abernathy, Don Started 8/72 as SE, transferred to Mobile, AL as SE 10/79
Akerman, John Resigned 10/84
Atkinson, Aubrey L. Started as DE in Wilmington 6/15/53, gone by 8/15/56
Atkinson, Keith Started 1/18/02 as DE in Central, gone by 8/05
Anderson, John H. Started 6/8/92 as DE in Western District
Angley, Jr., Floyd Wilson Started 5/1/69 as DE in Western District
Auger, Dick Started 1/1/48 replacing Beathea, moves to Wilmington as ASE 1/1/49 transferred to Central NC Council 3/3/51, retired as SE Tuscarora 6/1/81
Baker, Courtland W. Started 2/15/43 as SE, transferred to Spartanburg, SC as SE 4/30/47
Batts, Don Started 3/18/68 as DE in Whiteville, still listed 1/1/71, gone by 1/1/72
Bayles, Adam Listed as DE in Western 10/06
Beal, Larry Started 10/4/67 as DE in Central District, still listed 1/1/71, gone by 1/1/72
Beathea, Charles L. Listed 1/1/48 as moving from Robeson, Columbus & Bladen to Wilmington as Asst. SE, transferred to NE Georgia 1/1/49 as Field Executive
Blake, Edwin Listed as new DE in Western 11/98
Boykin, Patrick Started as Director of BSA Sports Club 8/15/94, listed as DE Coastal (NH) 11/96, SDE 10/17/97, became Field Director 6/16/2000
Braden, Tim Started 1/1/97 as DE in Lakes
Brayton, Bob Started late 7/95 as DE in Central District, gone by 11/97
Brothers, C. D. Started 8/1929 as SE, resigned 8/30/32
Brown, Jody Listed as DE in Lakes 11/96
Bull, Matt Listed 4/15/08 as DE in Western, 4/2009 DE for Central & Western Districts
Bullard, David Started as DE in Lakes 7/16/2000, gone by 7/03
Burch, Michael New DE in Western 10/84, still listed 9/86 as DE Western, left council & returned as Field Director 2/91
Cabeza, John Transferred in from Occoneechee as DE in Western 2/15/81, becomes Field Director 10/84, transferred to North Florida as Director of Field Service 3/90, transferred to Shreveport, LA (Norwela) as SE 3/94, transferred to St. Petersburg, FL (West Central FL) as SE 4/98, transferred to New Orleans (Southeast LA) 8/05 as SE
Campbell, Dick Listed 1/1/72 as DE in Central
Carroll, Ron Started 11/79 as SE, transferred to Orlando, FL as SE 8/16/85
Caulkins, Bill Introduced 9/19/06 as Camp Ranger, gone by 6/10/08
Chappell, Stephen Listed 9/1/87 as DE in Coastal, still listed 3/89
Clifton, Dan Started 8/1/85 as SE, transferred to Roanoke, VA as SE 9/89
Clemmons, Chris Listed as DE in Coastal (P&B) 10/90, gone by 10/91
Clevinger, H. Douglas Started as SE 11/89
Cornwell, Neil Started 1/1/51, transferred to Region 6 as Deputy RE 4/30/55
Crane, N. B. Started 1/1/1933 as SE, resigned 12/31/35
Croom, Mac Listed as DE in Coastal (NH) 10/93, gone by 11/96
Davis, Carey Introduced 6/10/08 as Camp Ranger
Dickson, Tommy Started fall 86 as DE Central, became Council Exploring Executive 8/1/88, still in position 3/89, 8/89 listed as DE Coastal (P&B) plus Exploring in Coastal (NH)
Dye, Richard Field Director 7/1/90, becomes Program Director 11/1/90
Earley, Gary Started 6/1/86 as DE in Coastal (with Magdanz)
Edwards, Joseph D. Started 9/4/48 replacing James E. (K or R ?) Taylor in Cumberland & Bladen.
1/1/49 replaces Beathea as Field Scout Executive in Coastal & Pender
Ferriera, Ted Started 7/15/43 as Field Scout Executive in Wilmington District
Fogleman, Francis K. Started July, 1961 as DE in Wilmington
Franks, H. Ray Started August 1980 as DE in Coastal, became DE/Multi Person 1/82, transferred to Louisville, KY as Exploring Director 6/85, became Director of Support Service in 1987, transferred to Huntington, WV as SE 6/95, transferred to Kinston, NC as SE 10/15/08
Garrison, Jeff Started as DE in Waccamaw & Bladen Lakes 3/1/81
Gaskins, C. M. Listed 6/20/44 as Field Scout Ex in Fayetteville, gone by 9/21/44
Gill, Ben Listed as DE in Lakes 3/06
Glenham, Trey Director of BSA Sports Club 11/01, listed as DE in Northeast Cape Fear 11/03
Gourley, Steven Listed as DE in Brunswick 3/06
Griffith, Floyd Started 10/4/1926 as SE, left 4/21/27
Harden, Jim Listed as DE in Lakes 8/86, still listed 9/87
Harniman, John Introduced 4/17/07 as DE in Lakes, introduced as Development Director 9/23/08
Harris, Marc Listed as DE in Brunswick 8/05
Hedgepeth, Phillip Listed as DE in Lakes 1/92
Howard, Trey Listed as DE in Brunswick 9/02, gone by 8/05
Ingram, Chris Listed as ? in 12/84
James, David Name change from David Stramara 9/03, listed as DE in Western 11/03, listed as DE in Central 8/05, promoted to Finance Director 8/1/07, listed as DE in Lakes fall 08
Jones, George Listed as DE in Masonboro 11/03, gone by 8/05
Johnson, Craig Listed as DE in Western 3/89, gone by 10/91
Johnson, Harold Started 4/1/67 as DE in Wilmington
Joyner, John Listed 10/20/58 in Whiteville, still listed 1/1/62
Kelly, Doug L. Started 5/5/55 as District SE in Central & Western
King, Douglas W. Listed 6/20/44 in Lumberton, 9/21/44 in Wilmington
Knott, Carl T. Started 2/18/49 in Robeson, Scotland, Hoke & Bladen replacing Auger. Transferred 11/15/1951 to Central SC Council
Lane, Al Started as SE 5/70, transferred to Ashville as Field Director 6/72
Lane, Lewis Listed 12/11/61 as DE in Laurinburg
Lanphere, Paul Started 8/1/56? In South Central & Pender Districts
Lee, Graham Listed 1/1/72 as DE in Coastal
Lee, J. Oatley 6/20/44 in Lumberton, 9/21/44 in Lumberton, South Central & Bladen. Listed
Listed 6/11/47 as Asst. SE, resigns 1/1/48
Liles, David L. Started 5/1936 as SE, resigned 12/31/42
Lucas, Allen W. Listed 2/23/61
Luckie, E. M. Started 9/1/50 as Negro Field Executive
MaKay, Andy Camp Ranger, retired 6/1/95
Maquire, Rodney Started as DE in Western 3/2/98, gone by 11/98
McDuffie, Norman Listed as DE in Brunswick 3/1/2000, gone by 9/02
Magdanz, Greg Listed as DE in Coastal 9/86, still listed 9/87
McGarry, Dennis Listed as new DE in Lakes June 1994, gone by 10/96
McLeod, Jason Started as DE in Coastal B District 1/1/2000, Coastal B was temporary name for Northeast Cape Fear District, name was used in Jan/Feb 2000 issue of THE TIDE, becomes Finance Director 11/01, listed as Field Director 3/04
McNeely, Dick Listed 1/1/72 as Neighborhood Executive
Mitchell, Don Listed 1/1/71 as DE in Western, still listed 1/1/72
Nuckolls, Jim Listed 1/1/66 as DE in Laurinburg, transferred to Rome, GA 11/1/68 as DE
O’Leary, Sam Listed as DE in Coastal 3/84, then as DE in Bladen & Columbus Counties (Lakes)
Oppelt, Michael Strarted 4/22/92 as Field Director
Osterhoudt, Chet Listed as DE in Central 3/89
Owen, Clifton Listed as DE in Brunswick fall 08
Owen, Doyle Started as Camp Ranger late 9/96
Reap, John Listed 1/1/66 as DE
Reilly, Joshua Listed as DE in Lakes 7/03, listed as Field Director 3/06
Ricks, Chuck Started as DE in Central 7/7/99, gone by 1/1/02
Riley, Ralph Listed as Camp Ranger 1/1/62, retired 8/67
Robinson, Myron Started as Camp Ranger 4/1/95
Rose, Paul Started 9/63 as DE in Whiteville, transferred to National Supply Service 1/15/68
Palmer, Clifford E. Started as DE 2/15/57 in Coastal & Pender, transferred to Gulf Ridge 8/1/60
Parrish, John Listed 9/1/87 as DE in Western
Phillips, Jeremy Listed as new DE in Coastal (Pender & Brunswick) 5/95, SDE 4/98, to Finance Director 11/1/99
Pittman, R. E. (Rufus) Started 3/3/41 as Asst SE, the first to hold such a position in council
Samuels, W. E. (Bill) Started as DE 10/1/55 in Western District
Sartin, Bryan New DE in Northeast Cape Fear 11/01
Satterfield, Scott Listed as DE in Coastal (NH) 10/91
Simpson, Jim Started 9/1/67 as camp ranger, still ranger 1/1/72
Smith, J. Otis Listed 3/17/43 as Field Executive
Stutts, Elbert Listed 10/20/58 in Red Springs
Stramara, David Listed as DE in Western 5/1/2000, name change to Davis James in Sept 03
Sutton, Will Listed as DE in Western 10/91, gone by 6/92
Sweazey, W. Ray Started 6/1/47 as SE, transferred to Region 2 as Deputy RE 11/30/50
Taylor, Brian Started late 10/96 as DE in Central
Taylor, James K. Listed 2/23/47 as new Field Executive, name may be James R. Taylor, Jr.
Listed 1/1/48 in Fayetteville
Thomas, Daren Listed as DE in Lakes 3/89, gone by 10/91
Tinsley, Carroll Started 6/1/44 as Asst SE serving New Hanover County, resigns 10/1/46
Tully, Jack Started as District SE 10/7/53 in Bladen, Columbus & part of Brunswick
Turner III, William Robert Started as DE in Western District 11/95
Tyson, Bill Listed as DE in Central 3/81
Vetter, Scott Listed as DE in Central fall 08
Walker, Eternal Started 12/2/97 as Wilmington Sports Club Director
Walters, Bill Listed as DE in Coastal (P&B) 10/91
Weihrauch, Jim Listed new as DE in Central 1/90, gone by 10/94
Welch, Robert Started 10/1/94 as DE in Coastal (P&B)
Wall, William C. Started 5/1/55 as SE, reassigned as DE in Wilmington 5/70, retired 9/71
Wallace, Chap Listed as DE in Western 8/05
Wallace, Reed W. Started as DE 6/7/92 in Central District, became council Field Director 8/6/94
Wallin, Jr., Grant R. Started 11/19/51 as Field Scout Executive in South Central replacing Knott
Walters, Bill Listed as DE in Coastal (P&B) 3/92, 10/1/94 becomes DE in Central
Weaver, John Listed as DE in Masonboro 8/05, gone by 12/1
Wells, Glen Listed as DE in Central 12/84, resigned as DE in Central 3/86
Willett, Jeff Started 6/10/85 in Coastal, to DE in Central 3/86
Williams, Jeremy Started as DE in Masonboro 9/12/2000, gone by 11/03
Williams, Roger Listed 1/1/72 as DE in Waccamaw
Williamson, Bill Started 6/11/51 as Field Scout Executive, resigned 12/20/52
Williamson, P. Kevin Started 12/1/05 as DE in Masonboro
Worrell Jr., Herbert Started 4/1/67 as DE
Yates, F. Hunter Listed 6/21/42 as Field Scout Executive
Young, John Started 9/72 as DE in Western resigned 12/76, designed first CFC CSP, became scouting volunteer, President of Blue Ridge Mountains Council & then Area 7 of the Southern Region, received OA DSA award, Silver Beaver & Silver Antelope.
Zeldin, Andrew Listed 4/15/08 as DE in Masonboro
3/31/40 In last 4 years from 2 organized districts to 6, still 1 professional in council
2/1/41 6 districts listed, Wilmington, Fayetteville, South-Central, Bladen, Western & Lumberton
6/20/44 Staff: Courtland W. Baker, Carroll, Tinsley (ASE), C. M. Gaskins (Fayetteville), Douglas W. King (Lumberton) & J/ Oatley Lee (Lumberton)
9/21/44 Lee in Lumberton, South Central & Bladen, King in Wilmington & Gaskins not listed
10/13/55 There are 6 districts plus 4 Negro Divisions
10/20/58 Staff: Bill Wall, C. E. Palmer, John Joyner & Elbert Stutts
4/28/60 Staff: Bill Wall, C. E. Palmer, John Joyner (Whiteville) & Elbert Stutts (Laurinburg)
6/1/67 Staff: Bill Wall, Paul Rose (Whiteville), Jim Nuckolls (Laurinburg) & Harold Johnston (Wilmington)
3/1/89 Staff: Dan Clifton, John Cabeza, Greg Magdanz (Coastal), Tommy Dickson (Exploring), Stephen Chappell (Coastal), Daren Thomas (Lakes), Chet Osterhoudt (Central) & Craig Johnson (Western)
1/1/2000 THE TIDE lists Jason McLeod as DE of Coastal B District
3/1/2000 March/April THE TIDE contained an announcement of the new District alignment that had become effective 1/1/2000.
District Staff:
Northeast Cape Fear, Jason McLeod DE
Masonboro, Patrick Boykin DE
Central, Chuck Ricks DE
Western, no DE listed
Lakes, no DE listed
Brunswick, Norman McDuffie DE
Fall 2008 Staff: Doug Clevinger, Joshua Reilly, John Harniman, Andrew Zeldin (Masonboro), Scott Vetter (Central), Trey Glenham (NECF), Clifton Owen (Brunswick), Matthew Bull (Western), David James (Lakes) & Carey Davis (Ranger)